(Alpha Credit Rating Limited)
(3rd Quarter, 2020)
01 July 2020 to 30 September 2020
Name_of_entity_or_instrument | Type_of_entity_or_issuer | Nature_of_rating | Source_of_rating | Quarter_of_rating | Rating_date | Long_term_rating | Long_expiry_date | Short_term_rating | Short_expiry_date | Outlook |
SIBL Mudaraba Perputual Bond | Bond | Initial | Instrument Rating | Q3 | 07-14-20 | AA- | 07-13-21 | NA | 07-13-21 | Stable |
Paramount Textile Secured Zero Coupon Bond issed by Paramount Textil Limited | Bond | Surveillance | Instrument Rating | Q3 | 07-16-20 | A | 07-15-21 | NA | 07-15-21 | Stable |
BDT 1000 million NonConvertible Redeemable Unsecured Zero Coupon Bond by Aamra Networks Limited | Bond | Initial | Instrument Rating | Q3 | 07-19-20 | A | 07-18-21 | NA | 07-18-21 | Stable |
Fully Redeemable NonConvertible Unsecured Subordinated Bond III of Trust Bank Limited | Bond | Surveillance | Instrument Rating | Q3 | 08-16-20 | AA- | 08-15-21 | NA | 08-15-21 | Stable |
BDT 5000 Million Floating Rate NonConvertible Subordinated BondIV of Trust Bank Limited | Bond | Surveillance | Instrument Rating | Q3 | 08-16-20 | AA- | 08-15-21 | NA | 08-15-21 | Stable |
BDT 7500 million Floating Rate NonConvertible Subordinated BondPBL Bond | Bond | Surveillance | Instrument Rating | Q3 | 08-20-20 | AA | 08-19-21 | NA | 08-19-21 | Stable |